Obeying HIS Voice


Hey Victors,

Story Time!

The Lord has been training me to hear His voice and teaching me to obey His voice.

So, I’m in church service worshipping and praising God. As I’m worshipping I get quiet the Holy Spirit says “Walgreens “. I didn’t think nothing else about it and service continues.  When service is dismissed,  I had in my mind to hurry up to go home and cook since I had approximately 1 hour to get on zoom for class. As I storm out of the church building and get in my car, driving I feel the need to go to Walgreens.  I see a picture in my mind of the Walgreens close to my house.   While driving,  I turn to my daughter and tell her I feel the need to go to Walgreens and don’t have a clue as to why but I feel an urgency to do so. My daughter needs to buy a few items she says, “okay”. As I pull up to Walgreens I go inside as if I knew exactly where I was going.  My daughter has separated from me to pick up her items. As I walk inside I immediately hear in my Spirit,  “Aisle 2″, give Her a hug”. Im like what?  ??? I can’t just walk up to someone and hug them especially during this pandemic.  When I get to Aisle 2 there was an employee stocking. I nervously walk up to her staggering on what to say. ” uh I’m a Min…uh I’m a studen… .. “well I felt led to come here and is there anything in particular that you need prayer for?”  She immediately starts crying. I grab her and hug her. I begin to pray and War  on her behalf.  She did tell me that she needed peace and the rest the Lord told me as I prayed.

I was so excited,  ecstatic,  relieved and just in awe on how the Lord sent me to Walgreens just to hug a stranger that needed assurance that God loved her and hasn’t forgotten. Reminded her that HE heard her cry and HE will never leave nor forsake her. He’s that amazing.  I want to encourage you all to obey the voice of God because someone’s life is on the line. Your obedience is attached to someone’s answer,  Deliverance,  destiny,   purpose , or even Life. What if I didn’t obey God’s voice and ignored it,  that woman probably would’ve given up hope or given up on life. This brings me to the scripture in Psalm 37, ” A good man’s steps are ordered by Lord” .

Let’s W.AR. Lord I rebuke every other voice except the voice of the Lord. Help us to be sensitive to your voice and obey it.  You said in Isaiah 1:19 ” Be willing and obedient and you will eat the good of the land”. Help us to have a willing and obedient heart towards You Father. Lord I pray that whomever is attached to our obedience  won’t miss YOU and your encounters.  Help us to always have a servant’s heart. I rebuke all imposters and receive your truth. In Jesus name,  Amen!



  • Lucy Johns
    Posted March 1, 2022 10:23 pm 0Likes

    That is amazing. When you spend time with God he will speak to you and through. Glory to God or your obedience

    • admin
      Posted April 4, 2023 11:49 pm 0Likes

      Hi Lucy!! thanks for your comment. Blessings to you!!

  • Apostle Cynthia Buford
    Posted March 2, 2022 1:05 pm 0Likes

    Thank God for your obedience. Praise GOD that this woman knows that God is real and is concerned about her. Thank you for sharing.

    • admin
      Posted April 4, 2023 11:50 pm 0Likes

      Hi Apostle Buford!! Thanks for the comment. God is wonderful!!!

  • Cordell Hoyman
    Posted April 22, 2022 6:51 pm 0Likes

    Pretty! This has been an extremely wonderful post. Thank you for providing this info.

    • admin
      Posted January 15, 2024 11:01 pm 0Likes

      Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

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