
Hi Victorious Ones!

Let me introduce myself a little.  My name is Jeronica and a mother of one.  I have college degrees and accomplishments which means absolutely nothing at all.  I love to laugh and joke all the time however I know when it’s time to get serious and get things done. It simple, I love God and His people. God has placed on my heart years ago to start a blog before I even knew what a blog was. You know that God always comes with confirmation with His assignments.  Starting this blog was confirmed and fear left and voila, here we are!

With this blog I will share testimonials about what I have experienced which prayerfully will encourage and uplift God’s people and also win the unbeliever to Christ. I will have devotionals that you can meditate on and show you how to win this War (Psalm 144:1) and be Resilient with and through prayer.  All of this will be led through the Word of God and His Holy Spirit (John 1:1) Let’s love on God together.


God Loves, Jesus Saves

Let’s W.A.R!

Jeronica Cox


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