Wait! but Patiently

Hey, Victors and Victorious ones!

I am so geeked and excited to share this short testimony.   I pray that you see in the spiritual realm as you read.

Story Time!

So, I go to one of my favorite grocery stores to get a few groceries.  I went in for a couple of things and ended up getting more than I expected; you know how it is. I hope you caught this first sentence and grab it, because it just blessed me as I’m typing this blog.  Just in case that you missed what God is saying, let me help you out. Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to Him who is able to do above all that we may ask or think according to the power that works in us, To Him be glory   in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations.”  Anyhow, I went to the get some deli meat sliced but there was no associate behind the deli department. Actually, another woman was waiting as well to the point that she got frustrated and approached the store’s manager to inquire about the wait time and how long will it take to get some assistance. The manager politely explained that it would be approximately 15 to 20 minutes and that she would be compensated for the inconvenience and that I would be as well. The woman had a terrible attitude and didn’t comprehend what the store manager was saying. So, I tried to explain but her frustration was so loud that she couldn’t receive her blessing that was about to come. The associate finally comes to slice our deli meat and we proceed to the register.  The woman was actually in the line in front of me and she decided to step out of line and tells me to get in front of her. Mathew: 20:16, the last will be first, and the first will be last,” Ok, cool. As I’m getting my items scanned, the store manager comes and asks the cashier to take the purchase of the exact item that I waited for off and she threw in some free bags (bags costs). The discount was significantly more than I expected.  Thank You Jesus!

What am I saying?? We have to be careful of HOW we wait.  “Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31.( KJ V)  I Don’t know if the other woman got her blessing based on her being rude and impatient, but I know I got mine being patient during an inconvenience. We sometimes wait but with the wrong mindset. Wait on the Lord with expectations simply because He loves you and You are His child. Psalm 37:7 says,” Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. “NKJV. I remember always saying to myself ” I trust God is going to do what He says but when? The when, is the wait. The wait is. patiently.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the many blessings that you have given us. We thank you for taking care of us even when we didn’t expect it to be over and beyond, but you love us so much that you bless us exceedingly and abundantly above our imaginations. Father, I ask that you give us grace to wait and to wait patiently on You and your promises. We do not want to be like the children of Israel that complained and murmured and miss our blessings. Even in the waiting, encourage us over and over again until out faith is activated. We believe but now we are going to believe patiently. In Jesus name! Amen!!

God Loves, Jesus Saves!!!



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